Since you plan on doing the same, adding rifling to the barrel will not in any way get you off the hook with the BATFmen The reason the Serbu shorty is an NFA is because they started off with a shotgun receiver. So does anyone know of an easy way to put rifling in a smooth bore shotgun barrel?" Thompson Center Contender Pistol Barrel 44 Mag WithChoke VENT RIB Thompson Center Conntender barrel, 30 Herrett, 10 Rifle Sights 8 Thompson Center Encore 12 GA 3 rifled slug barrel, 24 blued TC 6 Thompson Center Encore PROHUNTER FLUTED 30 TC 15 Barrel w Sights 5 Thompson Center t/c Contender 30 Herrett 10 round barrel PORTER Archives. I'll write a letter to ask just to make sure, but I have been waiting over six months for a reply to my question on form 1 suppressor repair. A 410 pump action pistol made from a new pistol grip shotgun meets none of the NFA specifications on the ATF website. "The two reasons that the Serbu shorty is an NFA weapon is that it is greater than 50 caliber and a smooth bore pistol. Then make hundreds of passes up and down the bore until you have the grooves deep enough (you cut about. Register Log In Home Forums Single Shots buying TC Contender Barrels: Forums User List Calendar Active Threads Forum Help: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : buying TC Contender Barrels 697251 01/05/06: Joined: Jan 2006. Basically you make a cylindrical section with a groove for the cutter, a couple of threaded holes for the pull rod and the adjusting screw, a cutter to scrape the grooves, and a wedge to adjust the cutting depth. 410" rifling head would be a relatively easy one to make. It would be possible to cut grooves in the bore without the twist by hand cranking the lathe carriage to pull the cutter. You could also add a large gear train to a lathe to achieve the relationships needed to get rifling of the proper pitch. It would be possible to add a sine bar device to a lathe but a lot of work. Then you need some kind of machine that will pull the rifling cutter and rotate the barrel or the cutter in a synchronized manner. Rifle barrels are reamed (and sometimes lapped) to achieve this state.

Regarding rifling the smoothbore, the first step would be making sure the bore is truly cylindrical without any choke.